Katherine Lewis – auditor, first time to NFA
1. What concert or event during NFA was your favorite ( you can list a couple if you can’t decide)?
My two favorite events have to be the Late Night Cabaret and the PROJECT Trio workshop. I couldn’t choose between the two, as they were so different, yet equally enjoyable. I valued the workshop because it was a great reminder that while music and flute playing are highly technical, they can reach literally anyone at any age. And sometimes taking ourselves back to the building blocks and the simplest aspects of both really is incredibly fun! The Late Night Cabaret, performed by Jim Walker and Jose Valentino Ruiz, was such fun because it was a completely new kind of event for me. Rarely is flute presented with an audience who’s free to move about, chatter, and engage the music in an informal way. In both events, I got to let my inhibitions go and enjoy making music in a room full of people doing the exact same!
2. Were there any personal experiences at NFA that you will cherish forever?
There were many fantastic experiences at this year’s NFA. Yet, I most cherish the lesson I was able to take with LA Phil piccoloist Sarah Jackson. A first lesson with anyone is always a little nerve racking. But Ms. Jackson was so warmly welcoming that I was immediately put at ease. And her insights were game-changers for me. Particularly, her ability to pinpoint the root cause of an injury I have been struggling with over a year and was beginning cause question about my career’s longevity. She instilled again my expectation of enjoying a long and happy life full of flute playing!
3. Did you meet anyone at NFA that made a memory for you (someone you know or some flute rock star you admire)?
Absolutely! I, like most at NFA, always enjoy being able to reconnect with old friends. And there were several this year. I also got to meet several new people, including Dr. Mary Karen Clardy, Amy Porter, Jim Walker, and Nicole Esposito. I also got to connect with new fellow military flutists, which is always an extra treat.
4 .Based on your responses in the first interview, did NFA measure up to your expectations? If so, how/in what ways?
As I had hoped, NFA certainly measured up to my expectations! The exhibit hall was a pleasant surprise–each booth had such knowledgeable and patient representatives there to help in any and all flutists’ searches. And so much to choose from! I especially enjoyed though the fact that there really is something there for everyone! The flute world is full of such vastly different people and not all events find a way to keep us all engaged and excited. And I loved the fact that in addition to that, NFA had enough variety that everyone had the chance to grow and try new things too. And who better to do that with than a bunch of other flutists?
4.Tells us one thing, not flute related, that you got to do during NFA!
Since my husband was stationed in San Diego for a short time, my visit there was a bit nostalgic. I spent some time going to my favorite, tucked away beach spots and ate at a few of our favorite dives. On Friday nights in the summer, the city opens up Balboa Park to food trucks and keeps the museums open late at night. So, I enjoyed a late night walk through the park’s gardens, and ran across an astronomy class who was opening up their telescopes to the public. So, in short, I saw Saturn up close, which was pretty amazing!

Keith Hanlon – (vendor Miyazawa Flutes)
1. What concert or event during NFA was your favorite ( you can list a couple if you can’t decide)?
Actually, I got to turn pages for Lillian Pearson during the lecture recital that Dionne Jackson and Linda Chesis presented on attending the Paris Conservatory. Not only did they both give a great performance but their talk about being at the conservatory was very personable and anecdotal. It was definitely a highlight for me to hear them rehearse, perform, and talk about their experiences. Dionne, Linda, and Lillian are incredible people and fun to be around!
2. Were there any personal experiences at NFA that you will cherish forever?
As always, I get to meet so many people and see friends that I don’t get to see often. There was a lovely woman who came to try flutes at the Miyazawa booth. She was an adult amateur flutist and had lots of questions. I asked her what she was looking for in a new flute and when she started talking about some of the difficulties she was having my teacher side kicked in. I worked with her for about a half an hour on her tone and articulation. She also mentioned that she had some hand issues. Luckily, I was able to recommend that she go see Lea Pearson, an expert in body mapping and a dear friend, for some help in that area! The woman came back to thank me for all of the help! The moments when I am truly able to help someone beyond just showing them flutes, those are the moments that last forever!

3. Did you meet anyone at NFA that made a memory for you (someone you know or some flute rock star you admire)?

This year I had the pleasure of becoming friends with Jean-Paul Wright from Trevor James Flutes. We bumped into each other in a very accidental way before we realized who we each were. What a fun guy with a great sense of humor. I look forward to making him one of my good friends over the next few years. I also finally met one of our past interviewees, Nicola Mazzanti!
4. Based on your responses in the first interview, did NFA measure up to your expectations? If so, how/in what ways?

In every way!
I spent a great deal of my time with my flute friends and family. It made me miss them more when I got home to Maryland.
5. Tell us one thing, not flute related, that you got to do during NFA!
I got to spend time with Lauren Carr (previous interview) and we spent an afternoon at the San Diego Zoo and La Jolla getting friendly with some sea lions! That was an amazing afternoon that ended with a beautiful sunset at the beach.
Amanda Taylor – (participant)
1. What concert or event during NFA was your favorite ( you can list a couple if you can’t decide)?
Wow, I’m not sure where to start! My highlights were the concerto gala — specifically Göran Marcusson’s performance of Mozart’s G Major Concerto and Jennifer Gunn’s performance of Ken Benshoof’s Concerto in Three Movements for Piccolo. Ai Goldsmith’s performance of Grigory Smirnov’s Fantasia was absolutely smashing. Go Ai!

2. Were there any personal experiences at NFA that you will cherish forever?
Getting to meet all the people who have been featured on The Flute Examiner over the past year–Phyllis Avidan Louke, José Valentino, Giovanni Perez, Jessica Sherer, Shelley Smith… the list goes on and on! I also enjoyed (as I always do) seeing good friends (Keith!) among others.
3. Did you meet anyone at NFA that made a memory for you (someone you know or some flute rock star you admire)?
Yes! I feel like everyone is a rock star at NFA. Everywhere I turn I see wonderful composers, flutists, etc. I finally was able to meet Dan Dorff — what a wonderful person.
4. Tell us one thing, not flute related, that you got to do during NFA!
I took the trolly downtown and walked around with friends. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, and the food was spot on.